FTP Accounts in Hosting
Each of the hosting plans that we are offering will permit you to set up an unlimited number of FTP accounts, so you will be able to administer the content of your websites separately or to give other persons access to any site in your web hosting account. In case you have a web design software app pre-installed on your home computer, you will be able to manage numerous sites simultaneously and to keep them updated without a hitch. In case you provide the login details to another individual for a given task, you will be able to edit the password for that FTP account or to delete it completely with just a couple of mouse clicks and prevent any possibility of unsolicited access to your web content from then on. For your convenience, all FTP accounts that you create will be listed in alphabetical order in the corresponding section of your Hepsia hosting Control Panel.
FTP Accounts in Semi-dedicated Servers
Using our custom-developed Hepsia hosting Control Panel, you’ll be able to create as many FTP accounts as you would like, even different accounts that can access the same folder – in case you want several individuals to be able to connect to the very same website content with entirely different login details. Our semi-dedicated plans do not have a limit on the total number of the FTP accounts that you can have at the same time, so you’ll be able to manage your website files and to update your websites without a hitch. In case you want to stop the access to your website content, you can change the directory that an account can access or you can delete the account with no more than a few clicks through the Control Panel. You will be able to see all the accounts and to edit any of them, if needed. For the sake of convenience, you can also download an auto-configuration file for a number of FTP software apps. What’s more, we’ve got elaborate step-by-step articles and instructional video clips, which will help you administer your FTP accounts in a seamless way.