Hosted Domains in Hosting
Using our hosting plans you are able to host a different number of domain addresses, no matter if you register them through our company or through an alternative company. If you host only a couple of domain names, you will probably use a smaller amount of system resources, so you can go for a lower-end plan, that will also be more affordable. If you choose to add more domains to your account later on, you can add additional slots via your website hosting CP and keep the current plan or you can upgrade the entire plan and use the added resources for the new domain names. Either one of the upgrades takes just a couple of clicks and is activated straight away. As registering and hosting a domain address are 2 different things, there's no limit how many domain addresses you'll be able to register whatever the plan you’ve signed up for.
Hosted Domains in Semi-dedicated Servers
When you purchase a semi-dedicated server plan from our company, you'll be able to host as many domains as you want no matter whether you register them here or you already own them through a different company. We have decided not to restrict this feature as the semi-dedicated plans are rather powerful and the load they can handle is pretty high, therefore it would not make sense to be able to host a limited amount of domain names. The accounts are controlled through the Hepsia CP, which will present you with full control over all of your hosted domains. You can add a new domain address with a couple of clicks and everything is done very easily and intuitively, as opposed to alternative Control Panels where you may even have to switch between separate accounts to manage a couple of domains. If you register a new domain address on our end, it will be hosted automatically in your semi-dedicated account.